The latest update from Adam Mazurkiewicz at Hetch Hetchy Water and Power...
We are seeing continued recession of flows all across the Sierra. What a runoff year! I think the last few weeks have offered a great flow range for boating on the mainstem, but a late start for the Cherry Creek Run. That is just the hand Mother Nature has dealt us. As I mentioned in last week’s update, starting 8/10 expect typical releases into Cherry Creek. So for the remainder of the season we will be on the “normal” boating schedule, with HHWP release totaling ~1100 cfs for 4 hours and arriving at Lumsden (Meral’s Pool) around 9am (see Dreamflows for full schedule). Given it has been such a wet and cool year the additional accretions may make the usual flows slightly higher.
In GENERAL following the “rafting hours" there may be continued elevated flows, ~750-850 cfs from the HHWP project. Flows in the night and early morning (from HHWP) may be in the 550-650 cfs. I know there are camps that “dry” out following the boating release, so take this into consideration. The timing will vary depending on where you are along the river. On Sundays, flows will be in the lower range in the “off-rafting” hours. These flows may vary, but I wanted to share the “general” schedule with folks, so no one is surprised.
I do want to remind folks that August 17th and 30th are scheduled maintenance days and HHWP is utilizing the time. There have been inquiries regarding the releases following Labor Day. There will not be boating flows possible after Labor Day due to maintenance work.
If there are any changes/updates/issues I will send out a notice. Enjoy the last few weeks of the boating year!