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Stillwater Sciences. 2016. Upper Tuolumne River Ecosystem Program Hetch Hetchy Reach Fisheries Monitoring – Revised Sampling Approach and 2014 Results. Prepared by Stillwater Sciences in coordination with McBain Associates, Arcata, California for San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, San Francisco, California.
McBain Associates. 2016. Upper Tuolumne River Ecosystem Program: 2013 and 2014 Rim Fire Monitoring in the Hetch Hetchy Reach. Technical Memorandum. Prepared by McBain Associates for the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, Natural Resources and Lands Management Division.
Yosemite National Park. 2015. Looking Downstream, 2014 Update. Physical and Ecological Responses to River Flow Downstream of Hetch Hetchy Reservoir, Yosemite National Park. October 2014.
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission. 2014. O’Shaughnessy Dam Instream Flow Management Plan - Stakeholder Draft. Prepared as part of the Upper Tuolumne River Ecosystem Program by the SFPUC Natural Resources and Lands Management Division, with McBain Associates, Jennifer Vick, Stillwater Sciences, Questa Engineering, Graham Matthews and Associates, Darnell Shaw Environmental, Watercourse Engineering, and Merritt Smith Consulting. April 14, 2014. Main document (41MB PDF) Appendices (136MB PDF)
Yosemite National Park. 2014. Looking Downstream, 2013 Update. Physical and Ecological Responses to River Flow Downstream of Hetch Hetchy Reservoir, Yosemite National Park. March 2014.
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Hydrocomp, Inc. and the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission. 2012. Sensitivity of Upper Tuolumne River Flow to Climate Change. January 2012.
Yosemite National Park. 2011. Looking Downstream, 2009 Update. Physical and Ecological Responses to River Flow Downstream of Hetch Hetchy Reservoir, Yosemite National Park. April 2011.
Stillwater Sciences. 2011. Upper Tuolumne River Ecosystem Project: Streambank Stability Study in Poopenaut Valley, Yosemite National Park, California. Technical Memorandum - Final. Prepared for McBain & Trush, Inc. January 2011.
Watercourse Engineering, Inc. 2010. Development of a flow and temperature model for the Hetch Hetchy Reach of the Upper Tuolumne River. Prepared for the Natural Resources Division of the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission. December 2010.
Yosemite National Park. 2010. Looking Downstream, 2008 Update. Physical and Ecological Responses to an Experimental Pulse Flow Downstream of Hetch Hetchy Reservoir, Yosemite National Park. August 2010.
Fong, Catherine. 2009. Pulsed Flow Wave Attenuation on a Regulated Montane River. Master's Thesis, University of California, Davis.
McBain & Trush, Inc. 2009. Upper Tuolumne River Ecosystem Project: O'Shaughnessy Dam Instream Flow Evaluation Study Plan. Prepared for the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission. July 2009.
Yosemite National Park. 2009. Looking Downstream: Ecological Responses to an Altered Hydrologic Regime Downstream of Hetch Hetchy Reservoir, Yosemite National Park. 2007 Report and Appendices. April 2009.
McBain & Trush, Inc. 2009. Amphibian and Reptile Assessment Study Plan for the Hetch Hetchy Reach. August 25, 2009.
Merritt Smith Consulting. 2008. Upper Tuolumne River Ecosystem Project: Preliminary Analysis of Available Data for Modeling Temperature in the Hetch Hetchy Reach (O'Shaughnessy Dam to Cherry Creek). Technical Memorandum. Prepared for the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, Water Enterprise, Natural Resources and Lands Management Division and Hetch Hetchy Water and Power Division. September 2008.
McBain & Trush, Inc. 2008. Upper Tuolumne River Ecosystem Project: Preliminary Sediment Source and Sediment Transport Capacity Evaluation: O'Shaughnessy Dam to Poopenaut Valley. Technical Memorandum. Prepared for the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, Water Enterprise, Natural Resources and Lands Management Division and Hetch Hetchy Water and Power Division. June 2008.
RMC Water and Environment and McBain & Trush, Inc. 2007. Upper Tuolumne River: Description of River Ecosystem and Recommended Monitoring Actions. Prepared for the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission. April 2007 (revised January 2016).
RMC Water and Environment and McBain & Trush, Inc. 2006. Upper Tuolumne River: Available Data Sources, Field Work Plan, and Initial Hydrology Analysis. Final Report. Prepared by RMC Water and Environment and McBain & Trush, Inc. October 2006.
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U.S. Department of Interior and the City and County of San Francisco. 1961. Stipulations for relocation and amendment of rights-of-way for tunnel aqueduct, steel penstock, power plant site, spoil areas, and access roads as approved pursuant to maps filed April 10, 1914, July 3, 1916, and December 13, 1916 in the United States Land Office at Sacramento, California. Map R-527, Revision No. 1. Filed October 2, 1958.