Stakeholder Meetings

Stakeholder meetings are held in Moccasin, California to hear updates from program partners on planned and completed work, discuss river related issues, and provide information on watershed hydrologic conditions and forecasts.  Materials from past meetings are provided below.

October 21, 2016
Hydrologic conditions update
UTREP update
Looking Downstream update

April 29, 2016
Hydrologic conditions update
UTREP spring snowmelt ecological objectives
O'Shaughnessy Dam spring snowmelt operations
Looking Downstream: 2016 updates & monitoring and birds & bat linkages
NPS Wilderness Stewardship Plan update
Upper Tuolumne River Ecosystem Program general update & monitoring

October 16, 2015
Hydrologic conditions & Lower Cherry Aqueduct update
TID updates on La Grange fish passage studies, Wards Ferry USGS, and Rim Fire
Looking Downstream update
UTREP update

April 3, 2015
(Presentations were not retained for this meeting)

November 14, 2014
Hydrologic conditions update
Precipitation Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) snow calibration
Cherry and Eleanor Creek post-Rim Fire observations
Lower Cherry Aqueduct update
Summer 2014 rafting observations
Rim Fire hillslope study and Looking Downstream updates
Upper Tuolumne River Ecosystem Program update

April 18, 2014
Hydrologic conditions update
Tuolumne Wild & Scenic River Plan FEIS update
UTREP update: Draft O’Shaughnessy Dam Instream Flow Management Plan

November 15, 2013
Hydrologic conditions update
SFPUC Rim Fire recovery efforts
Don Pedro water quality monitoring post Rim Fire
Don Pedro debris boom placements
Yosemite National Park Rim Fire BAER implementation update
Looking Downstream update and Rim Fire implications
Invertebrates in the Tuolumne River and floodplain wetlands
Upper Tuolumne River Ecosystem Program update and Rim Fire implications

April 19, 2013
Hydrologic conditions update
NPS Tuolumne Wild & Scenic River Plan update
The hydrodynamics of hydropeaking pulses
Upper Tuolumne River Ecosystem Program updates
Looking Downstream update

October 19, 2012
Hydrology recap for WY 2012, a look forward to WY 2013
NPS Tuolumne Wild & Scenic River planning update
UC Davis Tuolumne/Clavey confluence time lapse
Update on studies of the Lyell and Maclure Glaciers
UTREP updates, monitoring in WY 2012
Looking Downstream update: WY 2012

April 13, 2012
Preview of 2012 Hetch Hetchy and Tuolumne watershed studies 
USFS collection agreement 
Mercury bioaccumulation in the Upper Tuolumne River watershed 
Hetch Hetchy Reservoir bioaccumulation study 
UTREP update 

November 4, 2011
Tuolumne Wild & Scenic River planning update
WY 2011, JPL Airborne Snow Observatory, Falls Creek gage
Update on Looking Downstream: WY 2011 activities
Upper Tuolumne River Ecosystem Project update

April 8, 2011
Tuolumne River Plan update
Upper Tuolumne River hydrologic conditions
Looking Downstream update
Upper Tuolumne River Ecosystem Project update
Hetch Hetchy operations spring 2011

October 22, 2010
Tuolumne River operations
Looking Downstream update
Upper Tuolumne River Ecosystem Project update

March 19, 2010
Tuolumne River watershed projects update
Tuolumne River rafting "confidential"
Tuolumne forecast
Upper Tuolumne River Ecosystem Project update

November 13, 2009
Tuolumne River watershed projects update
Current water year forecast
Looking Downstream Project update
Progress towards instream flow recommendations for O'Shaughnessy Dam

March 20, 2009
Tuolumne River watershed projects update
Tuolumne water forecast
Predicted vegetation changes in Yosemite based on three climate change scenarios
Snow and runoff changes on the Tuolumne River
Upper Tuolumne River Ecosystem Project update

November 14, 2008
Tuolumne River watershed projects update
Water year forecast and conditions
Upper Tuolumne River Ecosystem Project update