Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Preliminary temperature modeling data assessment report available

An initial report assessing the quality and availability of data needed for water temperature modeling has been completed by SFPUC consultant Merritt Smith Consulting. The findings of the report will be used to build a water temperature model for the Upper Tuolumne River to evaluate the historical stream temperature regime and the effects of future environmental water release recommendations from Hetch Hetchy Project facilities.

Preliminary Analysis of Available Data for Modeling Temperature in the Hetch Hetchy Reach (PDF | 0.7MB)

Monday, January 26, 2009

Sediment supply and transport report available

SFPUC consultants McBain & Trush have produced a preliminary sediment transport report for the Upper Tuolumne River between O'Shaughnessy Dam and Early Intake. The report is a first step towards characterizing the sediment transport dynamics of the upper river and developing a model that can be "gamed" to help assess the effects of future environmental flow recommendations for O'Shaughnessy Dam on sediment dynamics in the river.

Preliminary Sediment Source and Sediment Transport Capacity Evaluation: O’Shaughnessy Dam to Poopenaut Valley (PDF | 1.1MB)